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Tuesday, November 18, 2008


seriously. blogging is the only thing feasible to do right now. Hitman Reborn 108 hasnt come out, no Naruto manga to read, bored of PSP games. okay, gabbie tagged to do this so, here goes.... -.-lll sians....

1.the person who tagged me to do this?

2. your relationship with him/her
good friends from dont know when

3. your five impressions of him/her
hmm.... skinny, zilian, loud, loves to act cute:D , had curly hair

4. the most memorable thing he/she had for you
i dont get what the question means....

5. if he/she becomes you lover, you will?
not in a million years=D

6.if he/she becomes your lover, things she/he has to improve on
although it will never happen, but it would be good if she wasnt so loudXD

7. if he/she becomes you enemy, how?
well, i will just ignore her

8.what is it you want to tell him/her right now?
i dont wanna go for the prefects camp. haha.

9. your overall impression of her?
crazy, totally opposite of me.

10.how do you think people around you, feel about you?
a little anti social, and sometimes make no sense.

11. the characters about yourself you love
hmm.... i am very helpful:D

12. the most ideal person you want to be
Jesus, and Hiro Nakuamaura :D

13. for people who cares or likes you, say something

Choose 10 ppl:
1. Dwong
2. Jun Boon
3. Mitchell
4. Kelvin
5. Jovina
6. Jarron
7. Becky
8. Judith
9. Claudia
10. Joshua Tan

14. who is no. 6 having a relationship with?
i think no one.

15. if no.7 and no. 10 are together, is it a good thing?
HAHA. I think it will be a disaster=D

16. what is no. 2 studying?
same as me

17. when was the last time you had a chat with no. 3?
hmm... on sundayXD

18. what kind of music does no. 8 like?

19. does no.1 have any siblings?
yes, jwong:D

20. would you woe no. 3?
um no, coz 1. i am not gay and 2. i dont want to betray germs:D

21. how about no. 7?
no, shes too old. haha(jk)

22. is no. 4 single?
nope, his wife is his laptop.

23. what is the surname of no.5?

24. what is the hobby of no. 10?
playing PSP

25. does no.5 and no. 9 get along well?
they dont know each other..-.-

26. where does no.9 live in?

27. what colour does no.4 like?

28. what is no. 10 doing right now?
sleeping in a bunk or admiring his new rank. haha

finally done=D

came at11:15 PM
Monday, November 17, 2008


I am literally rotting at home, not knowing what to do.............
this holidays totally sucks, so much homework to do, and barely started. i wish i could time travel just like hiro nakamura and go back in the past so i could enjoy my life. YADA! man i am going nuts! anyway, open house was awesome, but my body is still aching from that day. HAUNTED HOUSE was the main attraction of the whole event, buisness flourished, everybody had fun(except for a few irritating moments). OH YEAH! P6 OVERNIGHTER IS HERE!!!! IT IS FROM 30 NOV-2 DEC. For those who havent signed up, please do:) i am so gonna love this year's nightwalkXD haha! kk, till next time.

came at8:03 PM
Friday, September 26, 2008

bored again

hey all!
i felt so bored that i post this.
yup, today was physics spa. i think i screwed it up so badly, i dont think i want to ever remember it ever again:(
english went pretty okay, except for the comprehension, quite tricky. e math just totally sucked. mrs you is a big fat liar:D lie to us yet again....
anyway, going to church to study tmr with yue ming. helping him with his ss. haha this is where ms cheong's notes come to power:D
till next time, cya!

came at7:54 PM
Saturday, September 13, 2008

tell me why???

i have no idea why is there a change in me suddenly.... usually, when exams are approaching, i would be very anxious and would study without getting distracted, but now it seems like i get distracted easily. i always feel like i have alot of time left before EOYs but in reality, i dont. and i just feel so empty inside for some reason, like i just lost my zeal for everything. maybe it is just another phase of life that God wants to put me through and learn something from it. i really hope my zeal will come back. to add on to my troubles, my ipod has to sent for repair for like 10 days, seems like forever.... SIGH....

came at9:15 PM
Friday, September 05, 2008


i know i havent been updating when like a kazillion people has told me to, but i decided to do this post:D
alright this post will not be about my day, more of my thoughts on certain people.
lets talk about the japan trip. although i didnt go this year, after hearing some feed back, i think that mdm oen is just such a nuisance. okay, they were in the wrong, but why did you have to go and insult people's parents? isnt it abit overboard? and maybe you didnt notice, but you killed all the people's, that went japan, mood. maybe i am just prejudiced towards you and i dont know the whole story of the japan trip, but you should just let students be students. scold them for serious stuff is okay, but not every single thing they do wrong. humans have their faults, and yes including you.

moving on, i would like to talk about a certain person(whom i cant name). i think some people out there might know who i am talking about. i just find this person bossy. just because you have the authority and everything, doesnt mean that you can push your weight around. do you see anyone else do that? nobody will like it .this proves one thing, if you ever lead an army of soldiers into battle, you will not gain any support from your soldiers.

well something else.... lets just say i am sorry for 'ignoring' you, but i think now it is not the time to start a relationship. studies do come first after all.

well that is all. i might post again soon. until next time. cya!
reliving the memories...

came at11:06 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008

The first day of school

the holidays have ended and school has started... how i wish i could just go to the beach and just God's beautiful works. That will be so cool! yea! school has onli just begun and i am feeling the pressure. i hate school.... as usual, mr lee was crapping about his stupid mind maps on chinese. i dont understand why we have to draw mind maps for chi. it is simply just nonsense. when i asked him what is the use of mind maps, he just ignored me even when i said it out so loudly... grr.....
gtg now! bye!

came at11:01 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2008

Youth Retreat/ Leadership camp 2008

hey all!
it has been a wonderful 3 days for me as i spent it on 2 camps(youth retreat and leadership camp)
Firstly, i would like to THANK ALL THE SEC 3 PREFECTS WHO SPENT A LOT OF TIME PLANNING THIS CAMP! THANK YOU YOU GUYS! i know that there were cock ups here and there but it still went well. Take this as a learning point and when we planning future camps, we know wad to do and wad not to do. And i hope you guys would forgive me for not being a good camp chief. really sorry.
i looooooved the youth retreat. it was awesome. hope when it is my year to plan, it would be as good! haha=)

came at12:42 PM

Welcome (: please, no vulgarities
God Bless! [: Solution - Hillsong United

God's Child.

09/04/93 Joshua Ong Loves God with all his heart Family's warmth Friends' company Making Videos Watching Anime Playing Mediaval 2:Total War
blahh blahh blah.

His Wishes.

Wishes he could spend more time with God be more self discipline win more video competitions do better in his studies not slack so much be more sociable

Verse A Day.